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Monthly Archives: May 2019

  1. Providing happiness to customers

    Providing happiness to customers

    Mostly customers expect for some extra when they purchase a product, don’t you expect the same? Other companies or retail stores provide customers with special offers like discount on their next purchase, or voucher coupon that will get them discount if they buy something from the same store. Nowadays, nearly every brand and retailer uses discounts or other promotions to grow their businesses. Companies that understand the psychology behind special offers create a favourable brand image, deliver happiness to new and returning customers, and boost long-term profitability & sales. All these attractive offers are very common in most of the places, so customers are aware of it.

    eGifts4all has offers never experienced before by customers, offers that would bring happiness to them after buying a product, offers that would excite them.

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  2. How to delight your customer?

    How to delight your customer?

    In today’s market scenario when someone buys from you, then he/she becomes your customer for the very first time and this is an important moment to grab his/her attention with your exceptional innovative offers. If you hit at first time to delight customers, they will retain; otherwise your competitors’ will easily snatch them from you. For a business, no matter how big or small they are, innovative offers play an important part in developing healthy customer relationships, making them happy and retaining them becomes much easier and cheaper.

    eGifts4all has some of the best strategies to help you in retaining your existing customers, delighting them and making them loyal towards your brand. Our customer care team can call your customers, to ask about their experience/the product or services they have brought from you. You need to check whether they are having is

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